Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Merry Christmas Italy!

Ciao tuttiiii!!!!

Merry Christmas!! I know it's early, but I just can't contain myself! I'm so excited to see all the miracles that will come from spreading Christmas cheer and remembering the true reason why we celebrate. We've already seen one this past week! 

So last Sunday we were out knocking on doors and getting lots of rejections. Halfway through ringing all the citofonos I remembered that it was December 1st, hence we could start talking about Christmas with everyone! I started saying we have a message about Christ and Christmas, and pretty soon someone opened up the gate for us. We weren't sure if they did it by accident because we couldn't really understand what they were saying through the speaker, but we went inside and managed to find their door. Up opened a beautiful couple- an older woman with blonde hair from Croatia and her husband who's Italian. We asked if we could share a Christmas message with them and they invited us right in! They had one of the most beautiful houses I've ever seen with elaborate paintings everywhere and even offered us some chocolate cake! We taught them a beautiful lesson about the restoration, gifted them a Book of Mormon at the end, and will be going back to see them this Sunday! The wife was smiling at us the entire time and both were so happy to hear our message and are genuinely curious to learn more. They are both widowers who married each other later in life and are so happy and optimistic about the future and life in general. I love them so much! I'm so grateful we were able to meet them, thanks to this wonderful time of year and sharing the Christmas spirit!

We were also able to have not one, but TWO thanksgiving dinners this week. First we had a lovely meal prepared for us by the senior couples in Verona, and then on the actual day of thanksgiving one of our investigators invited us over to her house to have a full out american thanksgiving with two other families from the ward. It was pretty impressive, seeing as how Italians don't really eat turkey like we do, nor pumpkin or apple pie. But they made it all, and it was delicious!! 

Verona's just so great, and I'm so excited to be here for the holiday season! Buon inizio di Dicembre e vi voglio bene! 

Sorella Lyman

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