Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Wonderful Investigators

Ciao tutti!

Wow, it's Wednesday once again! How is everyone doing?? I see that the snow is starting to melt a little bit! It's turning into springtime here in Milano, even though everyone still goes outside in their full out winter gear. That's just the way Italians do it, even if it's really fairly nice weather outside! I think I prefer it that way, actually. I never, ever go outside without my hat, scarf, and gloves! Also just wrapping up here in Milano is Carnevale. It actually ended a couple of weeks ago, as a start to Lent, and I just forgot to write about it. All the little kids were running around in costumes and painted faces and there was chiarchiere (basically a fried, sugary cracker) in the windows of every single pasticceria. There's also tons of confetti everywhere on the ground, sort of like all the fake plastic grass at easter which never goes away. So there's your cultural low-down for the week. :)

This week has been full of happy, wonderful experiences, and ones that I can learn from as well. Yesterday, on a scambio with Sorella Brown, we had two really great lessons with Alberto, and one of our part member families who we've been teaching since my first transfer. I have really grown to love that family so much. They have three kids, two that are not baptized, along with the dad, and a cat named Trilli who I think is the most hilarious and cute little animal I have ever seen. When we saw them for the first time, they had not been coming to church quite as much, but as soon as we started teaching them they began showing up in church and really forming a desire to make the gospel a center of their lives. Right now we are really working with them to make the next step towards baptism and it has been beautiful to see the progress that they have made so far. Alberto is one of the most elect people I have ever met. Sorella Brown and I met him in the park a couple of weeks ago and yesterday we were able to teach him the restoration, after he came to church on Sunday and loved every minute of it. He has such a sincere desire to find the truth and recognizes something different and special about this church.

My testimony has grown so much since being here is Milano, and I am so grateful that I get to share it with people every single day to help them be able to come closer to Christ. It is so amazing to see how far I have come since my first transfer with teaching, the language, talking with people, making decisions, and how all of that affects the people that I am teaching. I am so excited for everything ahead. And also really sad that Sorella Soh is going home in two weeks. :( The time has gone by too fast! Vi voglio un sacco di bene! Buona settimana!

Sorella Lyman

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