Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Finding New Investigators

Ciao tutti!! Come state?

It was so great to hear from all of you! It sounds like you're all keeping very busy with music, school, work, writing, and everything else! It's so great to hear you have a christmas tree up! It sounds so pretty! Can you send me a picture? :) As far as eating at members' homes goes Mom, I actually haven't yet because we're not supposed to unless there's a nonmember present. I'm sure I will get plenty of opportunities though. That's where I hear the best food is! That's so cool that Katherine's thinking about doing an internship in Berlin! What kind of internship? Wow, that would be so cool! Berlin would be such an amazing place to visit. 

I have had a great week! The last couple of weeks we've had a lot of potential investigators fall through, so we've been doing a lot of finding work. Monday was such a great day because we got three new investigators! It was the first day in a while where all of our lessons went through and we were able to teach great lessons to all the people we were planning to see. The first woman we taught, named Anita, is a practicing Catholic who we found last week doing casa. We taught her the restoration and it went so well! It was cool to see how accepting she was of everything even though she is very devout in her own faith. Our next lesson with Sandra was also on the restoration. I felt the spirit so strongly while Sorella Forbes was telling the first vision. Afterwards we asked her how she felt, and she said "Meravigliosa!" (wonderful) She said she felt very peaceful and I know it was because she felt that what we were saying was true! I'm so excited to teach her again. 

I can't believe I have almost been here a month now! Christmas time in Milano is going to be so fun! All the Christmas decorations are going up, and I'm beginnng to see delicious panetones and other Christmas treats in the windows. Milano is a beautiful city. Do you remember the river Navigli, Mom? Sorella Forbes and I walk over it every day. :) It's getting pretty chilly too! Last night was particularly cold, especially standing outside ringing citofonos all evening. But don't worry, I have nice warm boots, tights, and plenty to bundle up in! I really love being here in the same ward as President and Sister Wolfgram! We get to see them almost every week. Yesterday Sister Forbes and I got to go to consiglio at the mission home with all the zone leaders in the mission and the mission president. It was so cool to be part of the planning for the mission, and also to eat Sorella Wolfgram's delicious food! 

Well, it's about time for me to sign off. I hope I'm not forgetting anything important. I'm so happy to be a missionary and see how this gospel really changes people's lives and their families! It's such a special experience to be a part of the converting process and see how the Holy Ghost testifies of the truth as we teach about the restoration of Christ's church today. I know that it's true!! I love you all and hope you have a great start to the Christmas season! Vi voglio bene!

Sorella Lyman

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