Wednesday, June 5, 2013


Ciao bella famiglia!!
It sounds like you're all having a blast... watching Jurassic Park and Dr. Who, going to Cook-out, making root beer, all those fun summer things. Guess what? I got to drink root beer on Sunday!! They don't have it here in Italy and I was really starting to miss it, but then on Sunday a member gave us two cans that they had gotten from Switzerland! It was sooo good.
It's been an exciting week! First off, guess what Mom? I printed out the contacts you gave me for Torino and found out that two of them are actually in our zone in Collegno! Last Saturday I think it was, we went to pass by two of them (they're both within a block of each other), and one of their names was still on the citofono!! It was the Bolzoni family. It was so unreal! They weren't home at the time, but we will definitely pass by again! Haven't had luck with the other ones. On Thursday I got to go search for another one in Torino because we did a scambio with the sorelle there. I think it was the Puci family. It's so cool to be in some of the same places that you were!
Well, things are really looking up here in Collegno, thanks a lot to the weather which is finally warming up! We got a wonderful new investigator this week who we met on the street, and set up an appointment with the following Sunday! He is an older man, and is just happy about life! He is very firendly and accepts basically everything we say. Starting about last thursday everyone just started becoming a lot nicer and more receptive to us as missionaries. We've still gotten a lot of rejections, especially tracting, but we've also found so many promising people! It's amazing how the work has turned around in such a short amount of time.
I've been thinking a lot about prayer this week. I know that the power of prayer is real. Yesterday right before starting to look through the area book, Sorella Haslem said a prayer that she would be able to find someone who would be interested. She was looking in particular for a young person. Almost immediately after, she flipped to a page of a young man who definitely still seemed interested. she called him on the phone, he picked up, and we set up an appointment! the power of prayer is real! I have noticed a lot in the book of mormon that unless people pray when they are depths of captivity and destruction, they will not receive divine aid. We can't notice the hand of the Lord in our life unless we acknowledge him through prayer. When we humble ourselves enough to pray we see miracles and our desires are more in line with His.
Vi voglio tanto tanto bene!! Be happy and have a wonderful week!!
Sorella Lyman
P.S. Did I tell you that this is the Wolfgramm's last transfer in the mission? I will miss them so much!! I will half my mission with them as mission president and the next half with the Dibbs! 

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