Wednesday, June 26, 2013

A Baptismal Date for Tino

Ciao Tutti!

Well, you wouldn't believe what just happened. I just wrote a beautiful email and was almost done with it, pressed a button, and the whole thing disappeared! I guess everything happens for a reason. I'll try to recall everything I said before...

Well, it's been a great week! First off we set a baptismal date with our investigator, Tino! I told you all about him, right? He's so great! After our first lesson in the park, we decided it would be best to walk with him to the church where there would be a better atmosphere and where we could teach better with the spirit. When we got there there were tons of people there for a youth activity they were doing (washing cars, playing games), so he got to meet lots of our ward and see how nice they are! Then we were able to have a lesson where we watched the restoration film and the spirit was so strong! That movie never fails to bring in the spirit. I love it and trust it so much! I just love all the films of the church. :) After the film he had no problem accepting the invite and it was all thanks to the spirit that was there. 

Saturday was another great day. Sorella Haslem got the idea to go to an area I hadn't been thinking of, so we went and ended up meeting so many nice people who were very interested in our message! It was definitely meant to be. That whole day I sort of felt like I was on a spiritual high. It was probably because we had zone conference the day before and that never fails to give me a spiritual boost. A mission is definitely up and down and there a lot of unique challenges that I wasn't really expecting! 

We've also been able to see some beautiful sights this week, and will be seeing more today when we go with our ward mission leader, his wife, and another member, to a pretty little castle on a hill in Torino! Yesterday we went to teach a less active who lives in the mountains outside of Torino and it was so beautiful!!! I had never been that far west in our zone (our zone is huge-goes all the way to the border of France!) That lesson was also so beautiful. I know the spirit accompanies us in our work and that it guides us in what we need to plan for those we teach and in what we say! 

I love you all so much!! You are so amazing and I know you're doing amazing things! Never cease to notice the miracles around you and the never-ending opportunities to reach out in love! Moroni 7:42-47 (I think... where it talks about charity :)  )

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