Thursday, October 10, 2013

Job Search

Buon giorno i miei carissimi!
How are you all? I heard that Disneyland was a blast and that you rode the Matterhorn three times?! Mamma mia! Che divertente! I'm glad you all had fun. Any pictures? :)
Well this week has been a spiritual overload a lot thanks to general conference and also to some other miracles on the side! I'll start with a miracle that happened last p-day, in fact, in the evening. We had met with a man four days before who we saw sitting on a bench and were able to talk with for ten minutes or so. He seemed pretty down, both in appearance and in spirit, because he was in search of a job and having no luck. We sympathized with him and told him a little about Joseph Smith, and how if he prayed we knew that God would answer and that he would see blessings in his life. He told us that if he prayed and was able to find a job, that he would come to our church. We offered a prayer right there, praying that he would be able to find work. Well, four days later we were walking down the same street where we had met him, after having all of our plans for the evening fall through so w decided to do some finding work on this particular street. As we were walking we felt impressed to call him, so I pulled out the phone and saw on the screen a missed call from an unknown number. I called it up and when the man on the other end picked up, we figured out that it was the very same man that we had wanted to call. He had called us because just the day before he had gone to a job agency where they had told him to come back the next day in a suit and tie. When he showed up the next day they hired him on the spot. He was so happy as he told us the story on the phone and Sorella Hoffman was throwing her pamphlets in the air for joy as I told her what happened. He told us that he knew it was God who had answered his prayer and helped him to find a job. We were actually able to meet up with him right then as he happened to be on the very same street. It was such a beautiful difference to see him then in comparison with the time before- a nice, clean suit with a smile on his face, business papers in hand, recognizing the hand of God in his life. We're still waiting for the second part of the miracle which is him coming to church, but that alone was a miracle enough for me! He said he considers us his angels. :)
Well, that was a really long story. I hope you enjoyed reading it. Of course I'm sure you all loved conference this weekend. I know I did! I can't even begin to talk about all the amazing things I learned, questions that were answered, and the beautiful spirit that I felt the whole time, as I'm sure you all did too. There are so many different ways we can feel the spirit... not just through feelings, but also through the things we learn from others and the thoughts that enter into our minds. I'm so grateful for this never-ending fount of knowledge that we receive every six months that helps us so much in our day to day lives. How blessed we are!
I know this gospel is true and I love each and every one of you sosososo much!!
Buona settimana!
con amore,
Sorella Lyman

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