Thursday, June 20, 2013

Pillar of Light

Buon giorno a tutti!!!
Sorry this email is coming a day late. We had to move our p-day back a day because Sorella Halsem had to go get her permesso from torino yesterday. Ma tutto bene!
So we've started back on week one on the transfer making a total of seven weeks for me here in Collegno! We have seen a lot of beautiful miracles this week. We've found that people are warming up to us right along with the weather, and that the park is a perfect place to talk to some really elect people. Yesterday we taught a first lesson, the restoration, to a man named Tino who is from southern Italy. We met him in the park a few days ago and he gladly agreed to meet with us again mainly because he was really interested in the Book of Mormon. He loved the message about the restoration, and that just saw a "pillar of light" because he said he also "saw a light" when he was just three years old, and so he has always known that God exists. It was such a great, spiritual lesson!
Right after we taught him, we talked to another beautiful family, a mother, daughter, and grandmother, who were all really interested in our message an agreed that there are a lot of attacks on the family right now. Then we went down to the next bench and talked to another lady who we soon discovered was definitely not having the best day. I felt like she was almost scorching me with her gaze as I was talking to her, but at the same time I knew that her heart was really being touched. I know she was in need of an uplifting message at that specific time. Neither of those people gave us there numbers, yet they are some of the most elect people I have talked to. It's interesting because I feel like the elect are almost harder to find and talk to than others. But I know that we did everything we could for those people and that they felt the spirit!
So yeah, we've been doing a lot of finding work this week. But we've also got one new investigator! The most important thing to remember is to just keep going every single day and to never think it is too hard. I was sort of thinking that yesterday, especially because the heat was really getting to me, but as soon as we started talking to people in the park, my tiredness and selfishness went away. It's amazing what happens when you just focus on doing the Lord's work!
I love you all so much and wish you all the best of luck in the things that you're doing. Especially Cecilia and James on trek this week! I remember how hard that was... it was also one of the most rewarding things I have ever done! I guess this probably won't get to them before they leave. If it does though, wish them luck!! Vi voglio tanto tanto bene!
Sorella Lyman :)

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