Wednesday, March 27, 2013

The Third Companion

Ciao tutti!!!

How are you all doing? Is everyone getting excited for Easter? I'm not sure what we're doing yet but I'm sure it will include a lot of colombo (sort of like panetone) and a lot of other food in general. I'll let you know how it goes! This week has been filled with a lot of great and exciting things. First of all, I got a new companion! Sorella Stewart!! Thursday was transfer day, so we all headed to the central train station in Milan which is where everyone meets up who will be changing companions for the transfer. It was there that I said goodbye to Sorella Soh (who is now a week-old return missionary!!!!) and picked up my new companion! Sorella Stewart is so great! It is so fun to be with her again and be reminded of all the good times we had in the MTC!

We have had a lot of great experiences this week, including two new investigators, a wonderful member lesson on Monday with the Friolos, and a great lesson yesterday with our investigator that we're teaching named Alberto along with one of our awesome members named Renata who is a return missionary from Rome. It makes such a difference to have members at lessons. They are really able to connect with the investigators on a different level and bear amazing testimony! Alberto is making such great progress. He has read up to the book of Jacob in just three weeks!

Well, I don't know how my time always runs out like this. It has been so great to be with Sorella Stewart and to really be able to work together with her to carry on the Lord's work here in Milano! She is such a great support and I am really excited for all the miracles we are going to see this transfer! I have really seen this week how much I have grown as a missionary, thanks to the companions I have had and all the valuable things I have learned from them. I LOVE being a missionary!!! It is the most beautiful experience in the world. I love you all so much , and hope you have a wonderful week!

Sorella Lyman

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