Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Jan. 16: Busy Teaching

Hello Everyone!

How are you all doing? Thanks for all the emails! Rexburg sounds so beautiful and cold! It's probably because I'm not around this year. It seems like wherever I go the winters are milder than they've been in the past... Mom, that's so crazy that you started training after just two months! I suspect that I'll probably start training pretty soon since there are so many new sorelle coming in within the next two transfers! Pretty soon we're going to have a total of 56 from the 28 we have now! Right now I'm noticing a little more how I'm struggling with the language because there will be a certain way I want to phrase something, but I don't know how to do it! I've found that the best way to cope is just to plow through even if the words and grammar aren't exactly right! Another hard thing is being able to comprehend what people are saying, especially on the phone, and then to be able to respond, but I think I am slowly improving! 

We are teaching so many great people right now. Last week I talked about the girl, Jennifer, who has been going to church with her Mom and isn't baptized yet. Well on Thursday she agreed to a baptismal date!! She is so ready to get baptized and really wants to understand everything she needs to do to prepare. It is so wonderful to teach her! On Saturday she went with us to a baptism in Lampugnano (Milano 1 area) so she could see what it was like. She is so great! This week we also started teaching a nine-year-old girl who isn't yet baptized along with her Mom who has been less active. She expressed her desire to get baptized to her Mom, who invited us to come over yesterday to start teaching her. It will be a great opportunity for her as well to relearn some things and become reactivated! We are so booked this week with appointments to members, new converts, less actives, and investigators! I'm so glad to be getting to know the ward better and involve them more in missionary work! 

Friday was pretty fun because we got to go to a members house, the Angiulis, for an evening appointment. We were going to teach them about missionary work, but then they had all of their non-member friends and family over so we had to change our plans! It was a great evening- we ate delicious panzerotti and were able to get a referral without even planning for one! We'll probably be having another lesson with them in the next couple of weeks. I just love everyone in the ward here so much and love being able to get to know them all better! On Sunday right after Sacrament meeting Sorella Villacorta asked me to play Happy Birthday on the piano because it was the bishop's birthday. I'm sure glad I figured out how to play it before my mission! It's come in pretty handy. :) 

Well I love you all so much and hope you're all doing well. Right now I am reading in the Book of Mormon at the end of Mosiah where the sons of Mosiah give up the throne to go preach to the Lamanites. What a great example of missionary work! There are so many amazing missionaries in the Book of Mormon. I learn so much every time I read it! Vi voglio tanto bene! Have a wonderful week!!

Sorella Lyman

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