Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Buon Natale!

Buon Giorno a tutti! 

Well, I just talked to you all yesterday for Christmas and I'm trying to think of exciting things that have happened since then. After we talked Sorella Forbes and I went back home and made a delicious hot drink of Chioghi di Garofono, which are basically cloves, cinnamon, chocolate, and milk all boiled together. Buono! It was something we learned how to make from Sorella Cano in our ward who is from Colombia. We had the rest of the evening to ourselves and it was nice to relax a little bit. We listened to Christmas music, wrote in our journals, and ate delicious pandoro from Verona. It was a wonderful Christmas evening! 

Like I told you yesterday, we have transfers this week!! Sorella Forbes will be leaving me to go to Savona and I'll be getting a new companion, Sorella Soh! I will sure miss Sorella Forbes a lot. She has been such a great trainer! I was expecting we'd be together at least one more transfer, especially since there aren't any new sorelle coming in, but I guess there's really no way to know for sure! Tomorrow is our last day together, and then transfers will be on Friday.

I just love Christmas in Italy! It was so fun to sing at the Duomo on Christmas Eve with all the other missionaries in Milano. There were about fifteen of us and a lot of people gathered around to watch and take pictures. Along with Christmas songs, we sang Called to Serve, Joseph Smith's First Prayer, and our special mission hymn! It was great to be able to bear testimony through song. This week has been full of wonderful experiences and new people to teach! I can't believe how many golden investigators and potentials we have right now. On Christmas Eve we taught a beautiful lesson to one of our current investigators, Gianni, along with his family. They are all so ready for the gospel! I have a feeling that this next transfer is going to be packed full of miracles and beautiful experiences right and left. 

I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas yesterday and remembered the reason why we celebrate! I really liked something President Monson said in the Christmas devotional: "He who gives money gives much, he who gives time gives more, but he who gives of himself gives all." That is really what Christmas is all about! I love you all so much and hope you have a wonderful rest of the week! 

Sorella Lyman

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