Saturday, August 17, 2013

Preparing for Ferragosto

Ciao tutti!!
Well we have reached the month of August, which means everyone's gone on vacation and gearing up for Ferragosto! (August 15th) It's basically just a glorified Italian lunch from what I can tell. All the markets and grocery stores were packed this morning. I guess you could call it an Italian version of Thanksgiving.
We've just been bustling around this week, getting everything in order with Sorella Hoffman's permesso, and trying to get a new phone because I lost ours! This week has been particularly spacey for me, unfortunately. :( But we just keep pressing along and have seen a lot of miracles despite it all!
First miracle- I don't know if I talked about this last week, but on our ward list we found a man who had been inactive for a very long time and I had been wanting to go visit him. But I couldn't find his address anywhere on the map. One day a couple of weeks ago I was looking at the map just happenstance and I happened to spot his street. We decided immediately to go and pass by. He wasn't there when we rang the citofono, but his mom was and let us right in! Two minutes into the conversation with her she started crying and pouring out her heart to us. I sat there wondering how on earth people would feel comfortable doing that with random strangers if it weren't for the fact that we are representatives of the Lord Jesus Christ. We were able to bear our testimonies to her, lift her up and get an appointment to come back the next week. All because we decided to pass by that less active on the ward list! I have such a testimony of bringing ALL the lost sheep back into the fold, because you never know where you are going to find people that are ready and waiting to hear our message. It turns out the less active son was so happy we came to pass by his mom and wants to come back to church as well. Bellissimo! Next part of the story is that this past week we invited her to church with a member, and miracle of miracles, she came! She fits in so well with the ward and they all love her. Practically a member already!
Another nice little miracle was yesterday on the bus as we were going to take care of Sorella Hoffman's permesso. There was only one other woman on the bus and I decided to give her a little "Buon giorno!" She said hi right back and we were able to start a conversation. She was from Romania and was feeling very weighed down about life. At first I wasn't sure quite how to respond. It's hard to know what to say when someone feels so dejected like that. But we started talking about the plan of salvation and how our trials in this life are just a part of God's plan. Then we gave her a pamphlet and got her number. As we were getting off the bus she sincerely thanked us with a smile on her face and kissed us both goodbye. How many times does that kind of thing happen, if not on a mission? Those are the kinds of experiences that I will always treasure as a missionary. Sharing the gospel is the best!
Well, I love you all. Go look for opportunities to cheer someone up, and always make the situation you are in better than you found it. :)
Alla prossima! Vi voglio bene!

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